In a statement released on Friday, Emmanuel Osodeke, the President of ASUU, expressed concerns about the new curriculum structure, stating that it jeopardizes the quality of university education and diminishes the authority of the university senate in Nigerian universities.
The union found it puzzling that the NUC was forcing the NUS to adopt 70% of the pre-packaged CCMAS contents. This left university senates, which are responsible for developing academic programs, with only 30% of the curriculum to develop.
“ASUU posits that CCMAS portends serious dangers for quality university education in Nigeria. It is an erosion of University Autonomy and Academic Freedom which the Union has advocated and struggled to defend over time,” Osodeke said.
“CCMAS is an emasculation of the university Senate which, by law and practice, should superintend curriculum review, examinations and award of degrees and certificates in each university.
“ASUU suspects the imposition of CCMAS as part of the strategy for implementing the Nigerian University System Innovation Programme (NUSIP) of the World Bank. The Union rejected NUSIP in the 1990s. We also reject the imposition of CCMAS on Nigerian universities now!”
See full letter;